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Cordoba C10 Spruce

5 Kundenbewertungen

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3 Rezensionen

Cordoba C10 Spruce
1.144 CHF
Versandkostenfrei und inkl. MwSt.
Sofort lieferbar
Sofort lieferbar

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Cordoba C10 Spruce
Paul resident of Sweden 20.12.2021
Hi, I am a happy and proud owner of an Aranjuez classical guitar dating back to 1980, with a cedar top, and it was made in Japan. Personally I would like to think of myself as slightly under intermediate level in competence, wishful thinking maybe? Thought it would be nice to treat myself, and make a brand new acquaintance after all those years, hopefully even find a treasured friend for the future.
Attempting to play pieces from the Baroque and Renaissance era, thought perhaps go for the variation with a spruce top.
Well since I opened the package, I never looked back, I have got an ineradicable smile at all hours of the day!
Lovely satin finish, the sound is well balanced, with an even tone, great resonance and harmonics, wonderful bass with a fantastic sustain for counterpoint, nice action even with the high tension strings.
Looking forward to all the overtime I will be putting in wearing down my finger tips on this captivating instrument.
What a SWEET REWARD indeed ...........
Finally a big thumbs up for Thomanns for good service and safe delivery to my door step.
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Cordoba C10 Spruce