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DiMarzio Illuminator Neck DP256F BK

3 Kundenbewertungen

4.7 / 5

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1 Rezension

DiMarzio Illuminator Neck DP256F BK
108 CHF
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. 9 CHF Versand
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Very nice neck pickup
Leonardo C. 04.12.2019
I replaced the Air Norton on a s6570 with the Illuminator Neck.
Compared to the AN, the Illuminator neck is clearer, with high output but with a sound more similar probably to a PAF-Pro.
The sound is excellent under high gain, and it produces wonderful clean sounds when mixed with the mid Blue Velvet.
However, it lacks in my opinion a bit of the body and sweetness of the AN. This is just a matter of taste. If you are more in the Petrucci sound, I would probably prefer still the AN or the Liquifire. Again, between these last two I would still prefer the AN.
Illuminator neck however is really a great pickup with a lot of clarity. If you like a clear neck pickup this is a great choice.
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DiMarzio Illuminator Neck DP256F BK