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DPA 4018V-B-SE5

2 Kundenbewertungen

5 / 5

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2 Rezensionen

DPA 4018V-B-SE5
899 CHF
Versandkostenfrei und inkl. MwSt.
Kurzfristig lieferbar (2–5 Tage)
Kurzfristig lieferbar (2–5 Tage)

Dieses Produkt wurde bestellt und trifft in den nächsten Tagen bei uns ein.

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Superior sound
This is NeilG... 11.02.2018
I'm very impressed with the D:Facto. This capsule provides incredibly clear, crisp, rich sound, and is well worth the investment.

The hard-shell transport box looks great too, and provides good protection.

Both the capsule and the adapter are solid and are very high quality, but because of this build quality, they are also quite heavy. I use the D:Facto capsule with an SKM 5200-II transmitter as a hand-held microphone, and the entire assembly (with batteries) is just over 400 g, a point to note if you are used to something lighter (for comparison, the Sennheiser ME 5005 with an SKM 5000 transmitter is around 250 g).

The SE5 adapter fits perfectly with the transmitter body, and both have the same satin black finish (for the black option), giving the assembly of the capsule, adapter, and transmitter a uniform and professional look.
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DPA 4018V-B-SE5