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Endorphin.es Cockpit 1U Silver

1 Kundenbewertungen

4 / 5

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1 Rezension

Endorphin.es Cockpit 1U Silver
181 CHF
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. 9 CHF Versand
In 1-2 Wochen lieferbar
In 1-2 Wochen lieferbar

Dieses Produkt trifft bald bei uns ein und kann anschließend sofort verschickt werden.

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A great way of connecting with Intellijel Case Balanced outputs... pity about the mutes
JürgenINireland 09.06.2022
The Intellijel 7U Cases are an excellent investment. The only problem is finding 1U modules that can make use of their balanced audio features. The Intellijel output modules are impossible to find and might be out of production. This module fills the gap of the missing Stereo Line Out 1U module by interfacing directly with your balanced outputs. There are some problems though. Endorphin.es haven't managed to get the mutes to entirely cut off input audio so there is always a little bit of bleed. Not a problem if your music is loud but noticeable in more subtle quieter music. Also, I think the design is perhaps a little challenging when cables are connected in front of the module when a case is horizontal as the controls are very hard to engage with because they are behind to the inputs/outputs. The ducking compressor is a great addition though and the build quality is actually very nice indeed.
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Endorphin.es Cockpit 1U Silver