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Fender AM Ultra J Bass MN Cobra Blue

3 Kundenbewertungen

5 / 5

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2 Rezensionen

Fender AM Ultra J Bass MN Cobra Blue
2.169 CHF
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So good, I bought another one.
wildcorporation 15.12.2022
This is a superb instrument. I’ve had it for just over a year now, along with the same model but in the Texas Tea colour.

They are a joy to play. Altered the action slightly on both of them when they arrived to eradicate some slight low fret buzzing and no further adjustment has been necessary. The neck just stays true whatever environment I play in, and that includes different temperatures and humidities, accepting of course, that they spend down time in the Fender case.

The pick ups really are silent, almost spookily so, and the active controls mean you can dial in a whole range of tones. Having said that, I hardly ever use the active options as the pick ups already have a fantastic range and clarity, although if you want to be adventurous with your tones without having to resort to a bunch of pedals, then these electronics will expand your playing range. The actives are also very loud. I can’t remember how many db’s they add, but it’s considerable. One slight irritation is that the battery holders take some effort to open. Obviously, I want them to be secure, but these take a bit of wrangling. You wouldn’t want to find yourself changing batteries in the middle of a gig.

The satin finished neck is a dream as are the tuners, though I hardly ever need to use them. You tune it, it stays there. The neck is also very flat compared to other jazz basses I’ve owned.

These are good looking guitars of course, I slightly prefer the Texas Tea over this Cobra Blue, but the pictures whilst they look good, don’t really do the paintwork justice. Up close and under lights they have a sparkle and radiance.

The hardware is excellent, I really like the Himass bridge. It’s so solid, as is the five bolt neck plate. Solid, but not too heavy I find. Haven’t weighed it, but it seems lighter that other jazz models. The tapered down neck heel does provide slightly easier access to high frets, but to my mind it’s not a huge difference. I’ve always found a way to get those notes anyway.

Highly recommended.
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Fender AM Ultra J Bass MN Cobra Blue