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Flyht Pro Microphone Case 7 bk

58 Kundenbewertungen

4.6 / 5

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35 Rezensionen

Flyht Pro Microphone Case 7 bk
44 CHF
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. 9 CHF Versand
Sofort lieferbar
Sofort lieferbar

Dieses Produkt ist auf Lager und kann sofort verschickt werden.

Informationen zum Versand
cheap price and also a cheaply done product.
Bazzmatazz 07.01.2024
At first sight, opening it and checking what's inside, I see that the inlay foam thing is not glued or fixed at all to the sides, and it seems too big for the frame so it doesn't keep a steady shape. That's good if you want to regularly clean it or just remove the inlay. Inlay feels cheap, but that's also fine considering the price. If you want the inlay to be fixed it should be an easy DIY fix.

Second problem, the top and bottom of the case didn't seem to align super well, I could see the screws in the back also not exactly aligned... but it's ok to open and close, just a bit strange regarding industry standards.

Third point, it comes with two little keys to lock it, they feel super cheap and don't fit the lock so smoothly to lock and unlock.

I have bought a bigger mic case from Flyht pro before and was looking for a smaller hard case for gigs that I only need like 5-7 mics, not 12 or 20. So it does fit my immediate needs to have something more compact, and honestly the little key thing does make me feel 1% safer, knowing I can lock some valuable possesions or left over mics during a gig.

For those that need a cheap simple solution that will protect your mics, I guess it does the job. better than throwing them in cable boxes or backpacks.

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Flyht Pro Microphone Case 7 bk