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Golden Age Audio Premier R1A

1 Kundenbewertungen

4 / 5

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1 Rezension

Golden Age Audio Premier R1A
547 CHF
Versandkostenfrei und inkl. MwSt.
Kurzfristig lieferbar (2–5 Tage)
Kurzfristig lieferbar (2–5 Tage)

Dieses Produkt wurde bestellt und trifft in den nächsten Tagen bei uns ein.

Informationen zum Versand
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Minor QA problems
mateomorikone 22.10.2022
The first microphone I received had the highpass switch badly soldered to the PCB (it was loose) and I had to send it back. Thomann replaced it with another microphone.

The sound is very warm and round, but be careful with bass-heavy sources. I tried this microphone on acoustic guitar, clean amp, and as a drum room mic. It's natural sounding and has a nice roll-off in the highs, so it never sounds harsh. I really liked it on the amp with a combination of SM57.

The only thing to consider when recording with this mic is your room's acoustics. Because it has a figure-of-8 pattern you need to be mindful of your mic placement.

The included XLR cable is around 1.8 - 2 meters long (I couldn't find that information anywhere).
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Golden Age Audio Premier R1A