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Gruvgear Kapsule Duo Bass

2 Kundenbewertungen

3 / 5

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2 Rezensionen

Gruvgear Kapsule Duo Bass
474 CHF
Versandkostenfrei und inkl. MwSt.
Sofort lieferbar
Sofort lieferbar

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Superb case for 2x basses!
AC Bassy 30.05.2024
Is it expensive? Yes. Is it worth it? Yes. It takes two basses (including multiscale basses like Dingwall) easily, and the neck rest is a narrower slot than say a 6-string fretboard to allow the neck to 'float', which is fine. The handles are in appropriate places. The topmost compartment has multiple pockets that will host a whole load of stuff - stands, electric extensions, cables, t-shirts, strings, most accessories one can think of (one less accessory bag to carry); the only downside to this is the case then becomes a lot heavier than a typical double bass case! This is of course more than compensated for the very convenient wheels which make lugging basses around very easy! The extra weight might make you think twice about carrying it rucksack style though the appropriate straps are provided, nicely tucked away. There are dehumidifier bags provided and one can use these as necessary depending on the weather, and there are other interesting touches such as global tracking. The bass compartment is closed by a zipper with a combination lock system and this is encased in carbon fibre; my only gripe here is that the top cover is a soft synthetic material and I wish this could have also been carbon fibre, but I am informed by GruvGear this is a deliberate design choice - to me it detracts from the overall robust feel and look of the case, and I hope they do come up with an all-carbon-fibre version. Other than that, this is probably the best case for two basses that I have bought!
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Gruvgear Kapsule Duo Bass