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Ibanez SR305EBL-WK

8 Kundenbewertungen

4.6 / 5

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4 Rezensionen

Ibanez SR305EBL-WK
375 CHF
Versandkostenfrei und inkl. MwSt.
Sofort lieferbar
Sofort lieferbar

Dieses Produkt ist auf Lager und kann sofort verschickt werden.

Informationen zum Versand
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Fantastic Beginner's Bass
Askur 13.03.2024
I am only beginning to play bass for my bands recordings, actually being a guitarist. So, I don't know much about what this instrument is supposed to be for actual bass players. But as a beginner Instrument, it is great - especially for its price!
To my greenhorn ears the sound is really good and can be influenced via the instrument's own controls quite a bit. It looks fantastic and doesn't feel cheap in the hands. The quality still has to prove itself over time though. It is much too early to say something about it.
Status of now is: I have no open wishes for this thing, but a lot of fun with it.
Only delivery was a lack as it took two months. I figure this might have been due to the Red Sea shenanigans though.
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Great budget bass!
ThomasTheDankEngine 19.04.2022
A bass that sounds this good and plays this well usually cost hundreds more. It's light weight makes long nights on the stage a breeze. Whether you're a beginning or intermediate player or a pro that just needs a solid backup on the road without breaking the bank this is a bass worthy of your investment.
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Ibanez SR305EBL-WK