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Intellijel Designs 7U Case Jointer Plates

5 Kundenbewertungen

4.2 / 5

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3 Rezensionen

Intellijel Designs 7U Case Joiner Plates
40 CHF
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. 9 CHF Versand
Sofort lieferbar
Sofort lieferbar

Dieses Produkt ist auf Lager und kann sofort verschickt werden.

Informationen zum Versand
google translate gb
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Great for a second 7u case
NoJe 18.10.2022
I love these. They look beautiful and are so easy to connect to your case. I can even use these to put my Erica Synths 3u 104HE case in between on top of my Intellij 7u case when I don't use the second bigger case.
Someday I might copy the shape to insert in a 7u case and have a special top to connect to othe types of cases to be more flexible in setups. The 7u cases are do hard to find these days and ridiculously expensive.
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google translate gb
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Great joiner plates
toptier 10.03.2024
They work really well to connect two cases together. However, for those purchasing their first 7U case like me, take note that the cases already include built-in stands. So you do not need to purchase another set of these unless you have two cases that you want to join together.

They can also be used to mount a 4U Palette case to a 7U case if you don't mind drilling two holes on each plate.
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Intellijel Designs 7U Case Jointer Plates