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Keeley Octa Psi-Transfigurating Fuzz

3 Kundenbewertungen

4.7 / 5

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2 Rezensionen

Keeley Octa Psi-Transfigurating Fuzz
273 CHF
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Outstanding Fuzz & Octave Pedal
TwelveSmallSquares 27.10.2024
I was eyeing up a Digitech Ricochet for a while, as I felt the need for some pitch tweaking on my pedalboard, then suddenly Keeley announced this pedal. I was looking to change out a fuzz on my board and go back to more of a Muff style, and so this seemed to kill two birds with one stone (which, apparently, is something that general society wishes for).

The pedal arrived earlier this week and I have finally gotten some time to tinker. The fuzz is fantastic - really thick and punchy, with a few different voicings. The tone knob is surprisingly useful, sculpting in and out treble and bass, rather than just getting sharper and sharper as it goes up.

The octave side tracks really well, and has more features than the knobs and switches might have you believe. There's a whole secondary set of interval voicings which you can access, which I didn't realise when I purchased - a nice plus. It's worth checking out the manual on the Keeley website if you're looking to investigate further. You can change order of fuzz into octave or octave into fuzz, you can blend voicings to different levels, you can have the octave as momentary or latching. It really is a powerful pedal.

It's rare that I buy new, preferring to scour the used market, but this felt like one to get straight away and I'm really not disappointed.
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Keeley Octa Psi-Transfigurating Fuzz