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Matthias Fuchs Vintage FX

6 Kundenbewertungen

4.7 / 5

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6 Rezensionen

Matthias Fuchs Vintage FX
69 CHF
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. 9 CHF Versand
Sofort lieferbar
Sofort lieferbar

Dieses Produkt ist auf Lager und kann sofort verschickt werden.

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Must-read for vintage enthusiasts
crk-forcats 11.09.2022
A very well written, excellently researched compendium for anyone interested in effect units of the 'golden age' of studio technology.
You'll learn about some artists who used those devices (plus occasionally little tricks) or some background about the inventors and the technology used. Also, it's very nice to have detailed full color pictures not only of the control panels but also of the inner works of the units.
Whether you're a nerd about vintage studio equipment or enjoy looking at beautiful pictures of past-time technology, this book presents a beautiful mix between coffee-table pictures and useful background informations otherwise hard to get.
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Great book with GAS risk :-)
Anonym 13.12.2022
I bought the book a few weeks ago and must say: excellent work, but when reading about the effect devices, you might get into the mood to buy such vintage effect(s), a similar modern device or a software version, I'm infected from GAS (gear acquisition syndrome) already....
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Florestan 27.07.2024
Ist kein Buch für jedermann:frau. Ist eher etwas für Verrückte. DIE werden auf jeden Fall glücklich und klüger!
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Matthias Fuchs Vintage FX