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Oscar Schmidt ASA String Set


Saitensatz für Autoharp

  • für Pre 64 und Reissue (OS73B/OS73C) Autoharps
Erhältlich seit Oktober 2013
Artikelnummer 323066
Verkaufseinheit 1 Stück
Instrumentengruppe Autoharp
Ball End Nein
90 CHF
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. 9 CHF Versand
Sofort lieferbar
Sofort lieferbar

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4 Kundenbewertungen

3.5 / 5

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4 Rezensionen

Type A Style String Anchor
fredyla2777 06.02.2015
Passend z.B für eine OS73CE 1930s Reissue , da TYPE A STRING also mit Ankerring!
Gute Qualität!
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google translate gb
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Super strings
Anonym 08.12.2016
I decided to re-string an old Autoharp, which needed a bit of TLC. I decided on these strings, which I knew that Thomann stocked, and my harp has come back to life. I should have done it sooner ! The tone is rich and full bodied.Great product at a great price, available from a great company. Thoroughly recommended to bring your Autoharp back to its best. Double check though whether you need a A or B style loop or ball ends for your harp.
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google translate fr
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Quality out of control?
castro 24.03.2014
Given that these are Oscar Schmidt label strings, though now made by Vinci, and supposedly tailor-made for A model OS autoharps, I would have hoped for far more attention to detail and quality.
I'm not inexperienced with string fitting, but three of the upper 8ve strings broke before they came up to pitch. One just broke, and I was lucky to have the correct wire to wind a new string. More surprisingly, the other two unwound at the ball end because in manufacture they were insufficiently wound and had no 'tail' left to prevent unwinding. I had to rewind the ball ends myself, leave a 'tail' & refit them.
On the other hand, there were two duplicate strings in the set (17F & 21A), heaven knows why, just sloppy packing?
To play, these strings are very heavy - the original OS sound and weight, so no surprises. If you finger-strum gently to accompany moody celtic music, try much lighter Fladmarks from the USA and you'll not look back. For a hard-driven, rhythmic sound with finger & thumb picks, and a huge dynamic range, you need these.
But be prepared to fix a few of them yourself!
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google translate fr
Leider ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte wiederholen Sie diese Aktion später.
Tarriant1 26.03.2020
Un peu déçu car le son est très moyen par rapport aux vieilles cordes qui étaient sur ma cithare.
Par ailleurs plusieurs des cordes étaient piquées de rouille.
Problème de stockage certainement
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