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Pirastro Perpetual Viola Set Med. BE

1 Kundenbewertungen

4 / 5

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1 Rezension

Pirastro Perpetual Viola Set Med. BE
144 CHF
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. 9 CHF Versand
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Bobo13 02.05.2022
Since I am a huge fan of Pirastro and lately of Evah Pirazzi Gold I expecting something even better than Pirazzi Gold..
Perpetual are completely different kind of strings.Very high tension, but also softer to play on than the Pirazzi Gold and have even more gut colour sound and feeling.
Maybe because of the high tension, they made my Viola go crazy when I tried them for a first time..the overtones were so loud and disturbing.. especially on double stops..flajolet's sounded very closed and without any depth and sound... The feeling while playing on the strings was and is nice....respond is very quick, but somehow without enough dynamics at the beginning, the sound was strange and closed..but this was just the first time...for a couple of days..
I took them off, but when I gave them a second chance, they sounded somehow much better..anyway I am still discovering them..for shure technically they works really well and have potential!
I will update when I understand more.. 😬
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Pirastro Perpetual Viola Set Med. BE