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Poly Effects Verbs Reverb

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2 Rezensionen

Poly Effects Verbs Reverb
407 CHF
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A different kind of reverb
HappyTree 02.07.2024
This is a great reverb, but it does its own thing. Don't go expecting to tweak all parameters like you would on a normal reverb unit; that's not what this is for. It gives you natural reverbs that have been sampled from real spaces. So know that going in.

Have you wondered what it would sound like to play your guitar (or whatever) in a particular cathedral? Or the room with the longest reverb in the world? Now you can.

There are some tweaking options you can read about yourself. Personally, I find the most useful one is the mix. I can't change the delay time but I can tame the mix down in this longest reverb. The controls are changed with touch rather than knobs. They work well.

There are also some plates and springs, but the main attraction is the weird spaces. And you can even sample a room of your choice, load it in, and use that. Like if you go spelunking with an audio recorder and a balloon to pop. As you do.

This is a very intriguing and unique kind of reverb unit. It integrates well in my Helix effect loops. Well worth a place in any reverb afficionado's collection!
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Poly Effects Verbs Reverb