This head isnt really for any style of music, but for modern rock/metal its a really great sounding head, which gives a pre-EQed and pre-compressed sound. The head has reduced presence/highs/sharpness, which is kinda ear friendly. it has nice mids and good ooomph, compared to an ambassador it has clearly reduced ring, but its far from dead (like an evans dry). I tried Ambassador, G1, HD Dry, Hydraulic red and Remo Cs: the p77 was by far the coolest sounding on my Tama LGM137 in medium and medium-high tuning (300-315Hz batter, 400res). closest sound that comes to my mind is sleep tokens II, and guess which head he is using? on top of its sound, the head also has a good feel/nice rebound ... it gives a soft, juicy playfeel and fast playing comes easily and precise.