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Sandberg California II TM 5 PF BLB

2 Kundenbewertungen

4.5 / 5

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2 Rezensionen

Sandberg California II TM 5 PF BLB
1.888 CHF
Versandkostenfrei und inkl. MwSt.
Lieferbar in mehreren Monaten
Lieferbar in mehreren Monaten

Dieses Produkt wird verschickt, sobald es bei uns eintrifft. Ein genaueres Lieferdatum können wir derzeit leider nicht nennen.

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Sandberg TM5
MoonRocker 21.04.2023
I have to say that the craftmanship & quality of this bass is very good. The neck is smooth, & the fret work is nice. The wood grain on the neck is also nice & I wonder if it is quarter sawn. The blue burst color is very nice, it will be perfect if the paint finish can be a bit thicker with gloss finish. The bass is also not heavy, even it is a 5-strings bass, just around 4 kg but no neck dive, so will not be too much burden on my back & shoulder. The sound can be highly versatile sound as of J-MM active / passive with split coil feature, & the tone is very good. The only thing I would comment is that the pre-amp (from Glockenklang I think) which is not of my taste. The treble frequency is quite high, & is a bit harsh for me when it got boosted. Nothing wrong with the pre-amp as it works fine, just my personal taste. In conclusion, it is a very nice bass. I want to have a TT4 if I can have more budget for instrument.
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Take Sandberg, don't worry.
Dainis 18.08.2021
I Played it for approx 2 years, and am still satisfied, in some places built nuances could be better, for example, fret ends could be better finished (this is just my opinion, some will say it is good, but not me), but overall good sounding, quality built versatile instrument for any music style.
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Sandberg California II TM 5 PF BLB