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Suhr Standard Legacy FR TC

1 Kundenbewertungen

4 / 5

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1 Rezension

Suhr Standard Legacy FR TC
4.111 CHF
Versandkostenfrei und inkl. MwSt.
In 11-14 Wochen lieferbar
In 11-14 Wochen lieferbar

Dieses Produkt trifft bald bei uns ein und kann anschließend sofort verschickt werden.

Informationen zum Versand
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Great guitar but.....
EdwinT 18.02.2024
This wasn't my first Suhr guitar so I'm familiar with what you should be able expect. At first I was very impressed with the guitar. And it IS a great guitar.....I had to get a 9V battery first in order to get the electronics to work. It wasn't installed but neither supplied with the guitar.....a bit strange concidering the guitar's pricepoint....anyway, it was solved within minutes and it sounded and played excellent.....but unfortunately, one of the studs that are installed for the floyd rose already had moved a tiny bit into the wood to the extend that the floyd rose itself didn't 100% line up into the body's routed cavity. To me, this is unexceptable for a guitar with this pricetag so I sent it back with lots of regrets of having to let it go....
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Suhr Standard Legacy FR TC