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Thomann Nataraj Mridangam

1 Kundenbewertungen

4 / 5

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1 Rezension

Thomann Nataraj Mridangam
328 CHF
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Sofort lieferbar
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Reliable small mridangam
MrDngm 18.06.2023
Mridangams are notoriously difficult to get in good shape in the US, so I was pleasantly surprised to get a reliable backup drum.

Thomann really should specify the high-pitched size (tunes around G to A) and separately list any fullsize 24-inch length drums if they stock those (which tune roughly C# to E.)
I was pretty confident this was going to be the 22in high size, but others may not have the experience in the Carnatic instrument market to intuit that.

Valanthalai (pitched side) uses a relatively thin outer skin, not my favorite style but I predicted it would be so.

Arrived in pristine condition, and the synthetic ropes are superior to leather straps.
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Thomann Nataraj Mridangam