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Tim Kuhnert How To Write A Killer Song E

7 Kundenbewertungen

4.1 / 5

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4 Rezensionen

Tim Kuhnert How To Write A Killer Song E
30 CHF
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. 9 CHF Versand
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Not suitable for beginners
Georgios_HH 14.09.2022
This book has a lot of info on songwriting. Unfortunately all this info is in form of a list without any explanation why those principles work. I think beginner to intermediate musicians look for an introductory book in songwriting with a little bit of theory. For example what is a perfect cadence, how to resolve a phrase, why certain chord progressions work and others don't etc. The way this book is structured is very overwhelming for beginners, as it provides way too much info just by scratching the surface without a short explanation. I can't see how beginners can learn something from this book. The only practical use I see is for experienced songwriters who would like to have a list of the things they already know for quick reference.
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Tim Kuhnert How To Write A Killer Song E