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Buffet Crampon ICON 65mm barrel gold

5 Kundenbewertungen

4.6 / 5

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3 Rezensionen

Buffet Crampon ICON 65mm barrel gold
209 CHF
Versandkostenfrei und inkl. MwSt.
Sofort lieferbar
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Yzma 28.04.2017
The Icon gold barrel is a great product! Apart from the fine aesthetics characteristics, in a RC Prestige this barrel can increase its focus and projection. As a result, it is easier to blow through the instrument and to play more in tune in the whole range, even in the chalumeau F, E notes (normally low in pitch). Another good improvement is related to the staccato, which is facilitated. This Icon barrel conjugates some of the good features of the Buffet?s Moening (e.g., staccato, tuning issues, ?) and Cadash models (e.g., sound body and projection, ?) in a single barrel. In terms of timber, this is of course a matter of opinion, however it seems the tone is clearer than that of the original stock barrel. Overall, it is a good product if you are willing to spend its money!
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Buffet Crampon ICON 65mm barrel gold