I've bought this pretty cheap speaker with the intention to replace the 8" original speaker of my Marshall MG 15 GFX combo. However, because I hadn't had any possibility to use this amp in other settings than my bedroom, I could hear much difference between the orig Marsh speaker and this one. Then, after selling the Marshall, I had the speaker that I didn't need. As it was almost impossible to sell even at less than 1/2 the price paid, I've decided to buy a mini amp head and build my own cabinet. To cut the long st short, now I have, in addition to my Brugera BC 15 hybrid combo another pretty useful bedroom "combo" consisting of the Hotone Nano British Inv + Custome (home made) cab with the Celestion 10 30 speaker. Fantastic bedroom sound, almost identical to the AC 30 at the YouTube bedroom volume.
And yes, the purchase of 10/30 was based on my previous experience of buying the 8 15 Celestion speaker which replaced the 6.5 inch Vox speaker in the Vox Pathfinder 10 combo. Although the Vox Bulldog 6.5 inch speaker itself was not bad speaker for the home use, the upgrade with this small Celest speaker was worth every Euro I'd paid for it.