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DW Finish Ply 14"x06" Edge -132

1 Kundenbewertungen

5 / 5

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1 Rezension

DW Finish Ply 14"x06" Edge -132
1.899 CHF
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The Famous Sound of the Edge
Anonym 23.08.2016
Well, this instrument is a story on its own. It weighs about 11kg and the sound is super responsive.

Positive side:

The sound is very specific and definitely makes your records or live situations stand out from others.

VERY responsive, it reacts to the stick almost immediately, it took me a couple of month to get used to it, but when you know how to handle this, then it is a great tool.

LOUD, very loud. The more power you put into your stroke, the louder it gets. It doesn't choke the way some other metal snares could choke.

Negative side:

When I got it out of the box, everything seemed good, but after couple of months, screws started to fall off. I suggest to go over every bolt and bit by yourself, before starting to use it.

TrueHoops. It is purely a matter of taste, but I changed the hoops to Die casts, gives more control and less ring.

TruePitch screws, not necessarily a negative side, since you can tune more precisely, but when you lose one, then you should know that you need an M5 thread instead of inch measurement thread.

Aside from these minor drawbacks, it is great snare that will be your trustworthy tool for your entire life.
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DW Finish Ply 14"x06" Edge -132