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EMG 45Hz BassPickup


Tonabnehmer für 6-Saiter E-Bass

  • passiv
  • für Steg- und Halsposition geeignet
  • warmer Ton mit weichem Attack und großem Mittentonbereich
  • max. Saitenabstand: 95,25 mm
  • Gehäuselänge: 115 mm
  • made in USA

Im Lieferumfang enthalten:

  • EMG exklusives lötfreies Installationssystem
  • 1x 250-k-Volumenpoti
  • 1x 250k-Tonpoti
  • 1x Mono-Ausgangsbuchse
  • 2 Paar Befestigungsschrauben
  • 1x Brückenerdungsstecker
  • 1x Tonabnehmerkabel
  • 2x Verbindungskabel
  • 1x Ausgangskabel
  • 1x Steg Erdungsdraht
Erhältlich seit September 2009
Artikelnummer 235195
Verkaufseinheit 1 Stück
Aktiver Pickup Nein
Verdrahtung Vorverdrahtet
Farbe Schwarz
Position Bridge, Neck
99 CHF
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. 9 CHF Versand
Sofort lieferbar
Sofort lieferbar

Dieses Produkt ist auf Lager und kann sofort verschickt werden.

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4 Kundenbewertungen

4 / 5

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4 Rezensionen

EMG 45Hz for all
Mikethebluecat 27.01.2023
Hi folks,

surprized on the whole I can recommend this pickup for any instrument that creates low frequencies like bass guitars, extended range guitars and so on ! I even tried its use in single coil mode in 9string guitars: the sound is extremely smooth, from lowest to highest tones, it can be crisp when connected directly to an onboard preamp !
Besides, actively driven it produces the most impressive sound in a bass guitar (5 to 7 strings) I heard in years !
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Harley Benton multiscale 8
Mirez 06.12.2024
This pickup fixed the low output problem of my Harley Benton multiscale 8. It djents!
You cannot expect icepeaky high notes like active EMGs, but for extended range guitar it is doing the job.
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google translate gb
Leider ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte wiederholen Sie diese Aktion später.
Extremely noisy
.sfw 27.11.2024
Very low output, and with electronic (clicking) noise that cannot be eliminated in any way (grounding, shielding, eliminating all electronic devices etc). No way to play loud, because noise is loud. Cannot recommend.
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google translate gb
Leider ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte wiederholen Sie diese Aktion später.
I love it!
Ivan Vicente 06.11.2024
After VW and eyeing out dingwall basses, I decided to give this pup a try making my bass into a 3 pickup bass.

Since getting the twx in europe is kinda hard if you dont want to pay 50 bucks for import, and I am not financially ready to buy 3 pups, gave this a shot. I couldn’t be happier, it is really warm and thick, I haven’t played a gibson bass but I am thinking it sounds like that, somehow it still sounds modern if that makes sense (I wired it in parallel because that’s how the other pickups are and in this bass I want that high end like).

It now makes the rest of the basses boring, it is probably because it is in the middle position, maybe closer to the neck in gets maybe too muddy, but it is great for blending because my other pups are thinner.

Really low noise too, the included switches and seem solid and the emg connectors seem quite good, but I have not tried them, I have only connected the wire whick I then cut to wire it in parallel.
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