Fryette Cyclops Power Station A/B Sw.

Fryette Cyclops Power Station A/B Switch; The Cyclops is a convenient and practical solution that manages signal routing, level matching, silent switching and ground isolation for your Fryette Power Station; It allows you to seamlessly switch between your Power Amp and Pre-Amp Signal as Sound Source, all in one elegantly simple package; Simply connect your Amp’s Speaker Out to the Power Station and your Instrument, Pre-Amp and Power Station to the Cyclops and use it to switch between the two Signal Sources; Dual A/B Switcher with ultra-low noise signal buffer for instrument and amplifier signal routing; Transformer isolated preamp/amplifier sends eliminate potential ground loops; Level switch matches preamp level to amplifier level for easy level matching; Pop mute circuit prevents switching transients regardless of preamp gain level; Rear panel Ground Lift switch eliminates any extraneous ground issues; Connections: Input (1/4” Jack), Preamp In (1/4” Jack), Preamp Out (1/4” Jack), Amp Input (1/4” Jack), From PS Line Out (1/4” Jack), To PS Line In (1/4” Jack), Remote (1/4” Jack); Made in USA

Artikelnummer 595640
Verkaufseinheit 1 Stück
245 CHF
Versandkostenfrei und inkl. MwSt.
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