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Zur Pia braucht man vermutlich nicht mehr allzu viel sagen.
Man merkt die Qualität "Made in Japan"..
Wenn man gerne eine Ibanez hätte und sich in dieser Preisklasse etwas gönnen möchte, wird man hier auf jeden Fall nicht entäuscht und bekommt exakt das, wofür man bezahlt. Ein Instrument der Spitzenklasse.
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Dream guitar!
nsk_nyc 26.01.2023
The guitar itself is a work of art. The intricacies in its design are worth it alone. The sound is Vai's designed for him and named after his wife ? So, I can understand why so much went into the design part itself. If you ever held a Jem monkey grip, then you'll recognize the feel with the PIA. The pickups come with multilayered engraved design that resembles honeycombs, another reference to Steve Vai's love for bee's (he has an apiary)
The guitar not only comes with its beautiful, red velvet hardshell case, but is included with the tools for maintenance as well. Two whammy bars, one rubber covered.
In conclusion, yes this is a great purchase. There was a great attention to detail being put to in its construction and design. Thank you Thomannmusic for fullfilling this dream.
The guitar itself is a work of art. The intricacies in its design are worth it alone. The sound is Vai's designed for him and named after his wife ? So, I can understand why so much went into the design part itself. If you ever held a Jem monkey grip, then you'll recognize the feel with the PIA. The pickups come with multilayered engraved design that resembles
The guitar itself is a work of art. The intricacies in its design are worth it alone. The sound is Vai's designed for him and named after his wife ? So, I can understand why so much went into the design part itself. If you ever held a Jem monkey grip, then you'll recognize the feel with the PIA. The pickups come with multilayered engraved design that resembles honeycombs, another reference to Steve Vai's love for bee's (he has an apiary)
The guitar not only comes with its beautiful, red velvet hardshell case, but is included with the tools for maintenance as well. Two whammy bars, one rubber covered.
In conclusion, yes this is a great purchase. There was a great attention to detail being put to in its construction and design. Thank you Thomannmusic for fullfilling this dream.
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Une oeuvre d'artEin Kunstwerk
Darth Fredius 08.06.2023
Absolument superbe. Ce qui frappe à l'ouverture de la case est l'aspect luxueux et qualitatif tant pour le guitare case que de la Guitare. La finition Onyx Black satinée mate est sublime. Les mécanismes dorés et tremolo doré respirent la qualité et le luxe.
Le manche est encore plus beau que celui de la Jem.
Quant à la partie son la plus importante c'est absolument renversant. Dans tous les domaines quelle claque au niveau sonore.
La perfection.
Absolument superbe. Ce qui frappe à l'ouverture de la case est l'aspect luxueux et qualitatif tant pour le guitare case que de la Guitare. La finition Onyx Black satinée mate est sublime. Les mécanismes dorés et tremolo doré respirent la qualité et le luxe.
Le manche est encore plus beau que celui de la Jem.
Quant à la partie son la plus importante c'est
Absolument superbe. Ce qui frappe à l'ouverture de la case est l'aspect luxueux et qualitatif tant pour le guitare case que de la Guitare. La finition Onyx Black satinée mate est sublime. Les mécanismes dorés et tremolo doré respirent la qualité et le luxe.
Le manche est encore plus beau que celui de la Jem.
Quant à la partie son la plus importante c'est absolument renversant. Dans tous les domaines quelle claque au niveau sonore.
La perfection.
Absolut großartig. Beim Öffnen des Koffers fällt sofort das luxuriöse und hochwertige Erscheinungsbild sowohl des Gitarrenkoffers als auch der Gitarre auf. Das matte Satin-Finish in Onyxschwarz ist großartig. Die goldenen Mechanismen und das goldene Tremolo strahlen Qualität und Luxus aus. Der Griff ist noch schöner als der des Jem. Was den wichtigsten Klang angeht, ist er absolut atemberaubend. In allen Bereichen was für ein Schlag ins Schallniveau. Perfektion.