This was bought to add a clap sound to an accoustic drum kit. Unfortunately, result is not as expected.
Sound : nothing like a clap sound. When hit by a drumstick, we obtain two distinct sounds : one "thump" when the stick hit the spongy pad, and some milliseconds after, the agressive sound of metallics beads hitting the wooden internal floor of the cavity, giving some kind of distorted and amplified sound of cabasa or shaker. And (to my own ears) too high pitched. Delay between both sounds makes it more unrealistic and hard to play.
Quality : Wood is correct, the attach clamp allows a secure and a non-destroying bond to it's support, good point. The internal beads are poor quality. Resonance is a little too aggressive (to my own ears).
Conclusion : If you want a resonably realistic clap sound, don't expect much from this. If you want to add diversity on your percussion layout, it may be for you, just try to ear it before buying.