Paired this on on the batter side of a 13''x11'' tom, with the single-ply (admiral) head on the reso- side.. results were OK; tried to tune it the deeper it would go, quite a laborious task with cheapo drums and all, but managed to get it even with little to no ringing by having the reso head a smidge lower on this 13'' tom, and inversely on a 16'' floor tom (reso side higher) .
I play mostly punk rock stuff with the occasional blast beat and attempted triplet fills.. these heads play well with each other.
Having also replaced the aforementioned 16'' floor tom heads for the same combination and effect, I can tell you that altogether, these sound duller and a bit more muffled than your standard bright clear heads, but there is also color in that sound; So you get that kind of jazz going on, instead of just the more predictable loud BANG dynamics you get on a rock kit, you can actually try to put a little finesse into it sometimes and I think these sound OK for that effect / feeling / playability / style; just don't expect these to last for a long time. Good for rehearsals.