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Sonor SQ1 13"x6" Snare GT Black

2 Kundenbewertungen

4.5 / 5

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2 Rezensionen

Sonor SQ1 13"x6" Snare GT Black
592 CHF
Versandkostenfrei und inkl. MwSt.
In ca. einer Woche lieferbar
In ca. einer Woche lieferbar

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Pure Quality and Sound just what you expect from Sonor
G.T 28.07.2021
I'll just bullet point this for ease of reading.

1. Incredible build quality.

2. Smoothest snare wire system you'll ever find, so slick it's like butter.

3. Shell & build quality is perfection, smooth bearing edges & shell design and beautifully finished inside and out.

4. Hardware is tasteful and is just pure Germany efficiency.

5. Snare is a 13" so it sounds best at medium to high tunings, you can really crank this thing as well and it still holds its tone so well as the tuning lugs are a work of genius. Some of the best in the business.

6. Has a great crisp bite and very sensitive snare response with Sonor's own hand made steel wires.

7. With the 6" depth you get that thickness and warmth that goes so well with the 13" bite and crack.

8. The GT Black finish screams just class.

9. Works superbly as a main snare or secondary snare, depending on what you need it for, very versatile.

10. Thomann delivered it flawlessly perfectly packaged and quickly & safely delivered to Australia !

Couldn't be happier, I recommend everyone to try this snare it is a great way to try a Sonor product and truly understand the hype.
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Sonor SQ1 13"x6" Snare GT Black