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Startone SAF-100 Alto Flute

3 Kundenbewertungen

4.3 / 5

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3 Rezensionen

Startone SAF-100 Alto Flute
729 CHF
Versandkostenfrei und inkl. MwSt.
Sofort lieferbar
Sofort lieferbar

Dieses Produkt ist auf Lager und kann sofort verschickt werden.

Informationen zum Versand
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Great value for money
Lisa2021 16.06.2024
I am an experienced flute player who wanted to try out an alto flute without spending too much. This flute turned out to be great value for money. It has a lovely tone. The pads seal well; the A-key is a bit noisy but other than that the mechanism is fine.

The design of the low D sharp lever has a design fault: it is too close to the D key and its post, which basically makes it impossible to turn the foot to adjust its angle; there's only one angle that works. The D sharp trill lever is a bit too close to my ring finger, which sometimes makes me hit it by mistake. Both the trill levers are quite thin and pointy.

The case is nice and sturdy with straps, so you can carry it like a rucksack. However, the cut-outs for the instrument are too wide, which makes the flute rattle around a bit.

The flute doesn't contain a curved head. For people with long arms this is fine, but if you've got short arms I would recommend getting a flute that has both a straight and a curved head.
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Leider ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte wiederholen Sie diese Aktion später.
Startone Alto Flute
Aggelos00 22.08.2023
Estoy realmente sorprendido con la cálidad del instrumento, la flauta es ligera y el material parece de buena calidad. Todo el registro grave y medio se toca con mucha facilidad. Como mejora cambiaría el diseño de la llave de Bb ya que parece bastante fragil pero sería el único detalle, estoy feliz con la compra y me parece un instrumento perfecto para trabajar y de estudio.
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Startone SAF-100 Alto Flute