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Viscount Legend Live Black Signature

2 Kundenbewertungen

5 / 5

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2 Rezensionen

Viscount Legend Live Black Signature
2.280 CHF
Versandkostenfrei und inkl. MwSt.
Kurzfristig lieferbar (2–5 Tage)
Kurzfristig lieferbar (2–5 Tage)

Dieses Produkt wurde bestellt und trifft in den nächsten Tagen bei uns ein.

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Andy Paddles 16.03.2022
I've just upgraded to the Legend Live Joey DF model from the Legend solo and wasn't expecting much of a difference other than the extra keyboard but make no mistake this is a an altogether better instrument in sound and feel. The build quality is top notch, this thing is built to last!! I din't know how much of a difference the tweaks from JDF would make, but it sounds so much better. It has the same great jazz tone as my Legend Solo but now the distortion and leslie effect seem to have something extra and I can play some convincing rock organ sounds that will soon drive down property prices in my street! I haven't stoped smiling since I took delivery.

The reason I only gave 4 starts for features was comparing it to a Hammond XK5. However, I didn't get into playing the organ to spend my time messing about in menus so that is not an issue for me at all.
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Viscount Legend Live Black Signature