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I use this mouthpiece with the Thomann FH 600 G Flugelhorn - it doesn't fit so great as the shank of the mouthpiece is too narrow vs the wider lead pipe of the flugelhorn. But with a bit of protective tape on the mouthpiece it's ok.
It plays wonderfully easy, all the higher notes slot very well - like instantly adding a few years practice to your skill level. Intonation is better than any other mouthpiece I've tried.
The only downside is that the tone is a bit bright for my taste, would be nice if it was a bit darker/warmer, but it's ok, and definitely worth this compromise for the playing benefits.
I use this mouthpiece with the Thomann FH 600 G Flugelhorn - it doesn't fit so great as the shank of the mouthpiece is too narrow vs the wider lead pipe of the flugelhorn. But with a bit of protective tape on the mouthpiece it's ok.
It plays wonderfully easy, all the higher notes slot very well - like instantly adding a few years practice to your skill level. Intonation is better than any other mouthpiece I've tried.
The only downside is that the tone is a bit bright for my taste, would be nice if it was a bit darker/warmer, but it's ok, and
I use this mouthpiece with the Thomann FH 600 G Flugelhorn - it doesn't fit so great as the shank of the mouthpiece is too narrow vs the wider lead pipe of the flugelhorn. But with a bit of protective tape on the mouthpiece it's ok.
It plays wonderfully easy, all the higher notes slot very well - like instantly adding a few years practice to your skill level. Intonation is better than any other mouthpiece I've tried.
The only downside is that the tone is a bit bright for my taste, would be nice if it was a bit darker/warmer, but it's ok, and definitely worth this compromise for the playing benefits.
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Flügelhorn 99511 12.04.2017
Ich habe dieses Mundstück neu gekauft und es hat auf Anhieb super funktioniert.Ich kann über stunden ohne Probleme super spielen :) Super Mundstück
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Teuer aber guter Klang!
Yonno 27.11.2013
Ich habe ein Thomann Flügelhorn mit 5 verschiedenen Mundstücken (gleicher Rand) getestet. Das Spielgefühl war durchaus vergleichbar, dasK342 kam meinen Klangvorstellungen (voller Ton, aber nicht dumpf) am Nächsten.
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Martin915 25.07.2013
Hallo Dieser Artikel ist für Musiker die eine Herausforderung suchen. es hat einen sehr runden Rand. Ansprache ist sehr gut in allen Lagen. In den Höheren Lagen wird es dann dünn man Bringt nicht so viel Luft hinein dass es wirklich sehr voll klingt.
Im großen und ganzen ein sehr gutes Mundstück für vortgeschrittene.