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Dave Guardala Postbop Soprano HM GP


Mundstück für Sopransaxophon

  • handmade
  • Bahnöffnung: 1,85 mm
  • Material: Messing vergoldet
  • große Bohrung
  • starker, runder Klang
  • inkl. Blattschraube, Kapsel und Ledertasche
Erhältlich seit Dezember 2008
Artikelnummer 221260
Verkaufseinheit 1 Stück
Bahnlänge 0,00 mm
Bahnöffnung 1,85 mm
Kapsel Ja
Blattschraube Ja
768 CHF
Versandkostenfrei und inkl. MwSt.
In 5-7 Wochen lieferbar
In 5-7 Wochen lieferbar

Dieses Produkt trifft bald bei uns ein und kann anschließend sofort verschickt werden.

Informationen zum Versand

1 Kundenbewertungen

5 / 5

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1 Rezension

google translate gb
Leider ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte wiederholen Sie diese Aktion später.
Holds up to expectations with perfect intonation
Mondello 05.02.2021
I’ve been playing Guardala mouthpieces on tenor and alto for over 10 years. Of lately I’ve been practicing soprano sax for a R&B/SmoothJazz recording deal. After trying several makes and openings in the end I bit the bullet and bought the Guardala Postbop version due to its smaller opening and less intrusive sound. For this mouthpiece to work properly you have to play it as a soprano player in that you use as much mouthpiece as possible in the mouth to let it breathe and allow it to do its job. You will then unravel it true beauty. Intonation and projection is spectacular. From low Bb to top F#. But you are going to need a developed embouchure and an understanding of reed types as that will definitely make a difference. Do not go by what you are using on the others saxes. The ligature that comes with it is the optimal partner for the mouthpiece. To end, the price says it all as this is not a beginners mouthpiece.
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