Prior to buying this bag I had to take 4 bags to gigs: my bone in its flight case; my stands in an old pbone bag; my mutes and music tablet in a rucksack, and a change of clothes in a carrier bag!
This bad boy FITS EVERYTHING!!
Not obvious from the photos, but the front pocket can expand outwards to about 5" deep and so fits all my mutes: including a Harmon, a cup, a straight, a plunger and a bucket mute! My conductor stand base goes in one side pocket, bone stand in t'other. Still room for clip on mics, blue tooth pedal, music leds and all the rest of the paraphernalia I use on gigs too. Also room enough for my 13" tablet in the main compartment. Everything is padded, even the side pockets. Little pockets for mouthpieces and glasses in both side pockets. Its the size of a golf bag, but It's the best thing I've ever bought. Very very well thought out. My only niggle is having to empty all my mutes out of the front pocket to open it far enough to get my bone out of the main compartment, but a small price to pay and I'd probably need them anyway. Even so, just brilliant.