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Gotoh SG301-04 MG-T Locking 3L/3R CB


Klemm-Mechanikensatz für E-Gitarre und Westerngitarre

  • Gotoh MG-T Traditional Locking System mit einer Rändelschraube auf der Mechanikrückseite
  • Konfiguration: 3 Links / 3 Rechts
  • geschlossene Konstruktion
  • Flügel: Tulip (Zink)
  • Übersetzung: 1:18
  • Schaftlänge (bis Saitenloch): 20 mm
  • Bohrung: 10 mm
  • Befestigung: Schrauben und Sechskant-Hohlschraube
  • Schraublaschenwinkel: 90°
  • Farbe: Cosmo Black
  • inkl. Befestigungsschrauben, Muttern und Sechskant-Hohlschrauben
  • made in Japan
Erhältlich seit August 2024
Artikelnummer 577114
Verkaufseinheit 1 Stück
Farbe Cosmo Black
Locking Ja
Bauart Modern
68 CHF
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. 9 CHF Versand
Sofort lieferbar
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5 / 5

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1 Rezension

google translate gb
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Excellent upgrade
Jonno777 05.12.2024
I bought these to replace the 6 Grover standard tuners on my Les Paul Studio. I prefer locking tuners on all my electric 6 strings, as the tuning stability is very much improved and string changes are very easy. These ones were a good choice as they were in the cobalt black colour, thus replicating the colour of the old ones.
Fitting time was 20 minutes, the original bushes were fine to be used, and the tuners slotted in perfectly.
These Gotohs are excellent quality, I also have the same ones in chrome finish on my LP Standard, and they do not add any noticeable extra weight on that you would notice. All in all a worthwhile upgrade because even though my original Studio Grover tuners were only a few months old the tuning stability on this guitar is a lot better with these locking Gotohs.
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