I bought it to accommodate my cheaper sounding electronic instruments and I have to admit, the noise is now no longer an issue vs. the output signal is hot as desired for one of my A/Ds. I still prefer not to use it in some situations, like i.e. when I record a soloed sample from an electronic instrument. But when I use my groove sequencer and have to digitize the whole mix of different sequence parts simultaneously, then this little bro helps me to obtain noiseless conversion at the highest signal level as possible. The sound is clean and linear, but somehow it sounds like it was passed through some kind of a brainwave synchronizer - kinda modulated. It's still a very decent sounding box, but maybe not good on every job. I like to record at the highest levels with just a little headroom left. My A/D inputs before J+4 were -15dBFS max on full mix, now I can easily get to -6dBFS or even track very quiet instruments at -12dBFS. If you don't need to preamplify your signals then better get a passive Radial Engineering box. For tracking, I prefer my other JPC box, whenever I have an access to a Phantom power supply on my last input. I also have a ProISO on monitors.