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Rampone & Cazzani R1 Jazz Baritone Sax OT

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1 Rezension

Rampone & Cazzani R1 Jazz Baritone Sax OT
8.099 CHF
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For the jazz soloist.
AltoBari 10.12.2022
This bari is essentially a copy of the old Conn 12M but with modern ergonomics/fingering.The sound is full and warm and with plenty of projection.Being low Bb it is louder than a low A,especially at the lower end-low Bs really punch out! The long Conn-style neck takes a bit of getting used to after a modern bari and having a big bore it takes a bit more air.Tuning is good throughout.Hand made so not everything perfect,but well built. For a Gerry Mulligan sound I recommend a Morgan GM no 6 baritone mouthpiece(unfortunately only available from Morgan Mouthpieces in the US).A Vandoren BL5 works well too with the right reed-too hard and it will sound very 'classical'...Ideal for a jazz small group and for someone looking for a big vintage sound. Mine lacks a high F# key but the current one for sale on Thomann has one.Expensive but a special horn.The case is nice and compact but for serious travelling I recommend a heavy duty case like a BAM or similar.
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Rampone & Cazzani R1 Jazz Baritone Sax OT