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Teenage Engineering OP-XY

1 Kundenbewertungen

4 / 5

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1 Rezension

Teenage Engineering OP-XY
2.099 CHF
Versandkostenfrei und inkl. MwSt.
In 8-10 Wochen lieferbar
In 8-10 Wochen lieferbar

Dieses Produkt trifft bald bei uns ein und kann anschließend sofort verschickt werden.

Informationen zum Versand
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It ticks all my boxes for a portable groovebox and I've owned almost all
Alex Buga 27.11.2024
I'm gonna start with the price. I still consider the price to be steep in this economy, and I was expecting 0 bugs at this price. Unfortunately it's not the case. The 1.0.9 firmware is quite buggy, but no show stoppers.

Now, to the bread and butter. If you wanted an OP-Z 2.0 that "cough cough" doesn't bend, this is it. Standout features for me are the multisampler and the ability to swap kit instruments. This takes the workflow to another level because it can sound as anything you want. Not to mention playing chords with samples.

The synth engines sound super nice, and in the track settings there's a "wide" feature that randomly pans every note in the stereo field, so if you play a chord it sounds lush. Big plus.

The "Players" are nice. The "Maestro" allows you to input a chord, and based on the scale it generates nice nice chords that sound awesome.

Overall it's a great groovebox, and I would buy it again, but honestly, based on my country's economy, I would pay 1300 EUR instead of 2300. I find it very steep.
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Teenage Engineering OP-XY