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Yamaha YSS-875 EXHG Soprano Sax

1 Kundenbewertungen

5 / 5

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1 Rezension

Yamaha YSS-875 EXHG Soprano Sax
4.599 CHF
Versandkostenfrei und inkl. MwSt.
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For me - the best horn on the market
Ralphos 03.03.2014
The sound is a very subjective matter, so I will only write that it is bright, rich and sweet, it projects very well.
What I would like to praise is the build quality - as you would expect from a top class instrument, it is made of very high quality materials, the necks fit perfectly (the straight one is bright, the curved one slightly darker) and the keywork is exceptionally precise. I don't know if I was just lucky to get such an instrument, but it was so perfectly adjusted at the factory and the keywork is so beefy, that after one year of playing it every day it still doesn't need even a slightest adjustment! I'm impressed.
Ergonomically it is a dream, I have short fingers and I don't have any problems playing it.
The intonation is phenomenal (well, for a soprano sax). It is very even throughout the whole range. In general this instrument is so much easier to play than any other soprano sax I've ever tried.
It is pretty heavy compared to other saxophones, remember to go to the gym before buying it ;)
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Yamaha YSS-875 EXHG Soprano Sax