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A small and versatile drum module
Monkeproggs 01.02.2021
This little rinky-dinky module has 4 T-network dums sounds. 4 trigger inputs, 4 separate outs and a mix out.
It sounds old school and true to its heritage. Think 808 or CR78 or any other old drum machine.
It Excels at tom sounds and sharper high blips. If you want to make a snare sound you have to mix it with some noice.
It has 3 settings for each channel. L (low) M (Mod not middle) and H (high), the M (Mod) has a slight enhancement in decay. It doesn't make a "Oh my god I fell of my chair"-BD but it has a nice austere thonk to it. It can produce sounds ranging from low BD to high noice blips.
The jewel of this module is that you can trigger it with anything. Anything from a normal trigger to Audio. When fed audio it turns into a "destructive filter" which in essence makes it sound like a bitchrusher or tunable noise filter (in this instance the noise is added rather than removed).
Makes it ideal for those of you who want to make something more gritty or noisy.
The only cons are that it is rather small so its hard to tweak the nobs on the fly. And especially flipping the flippin' swithes. And there is no cv control over anything so you gots to get hands on!
But it sounds good and is a lot of fun.
This little rinky-dinky module has 4 T-network dums sounds. 4 trigger inputs, 4 separate outs and a mix out.
It sounds old school and true to its heritage. Think 808 or CR78 or any other old drum machine.
It Excels at tom sounds and sharper high blips. If you want to make a snare sound you have to mix it with some noice.
It has 3 settings for each
This little rinky-dinky module has 4 T-network dums sounds. 4 trigger inputs, 4 separate outs and a mix out.
It sounds old school and true to its heritage. Think 808 or CR78 or any other old drum machine.
It Excels at tom sounds and sharper high blips. If you want to make a snare sound you have to mix it with some noice.
It has 3 settings for each channel. L (low) M (Mod not middle) and H (high), the M (Mod) has a slight enhancement in decay. It doesn't make a "Oh my god I fell of my chair"-BD but it has a nice austere thonk to it. It can produce sounds ranging from low BD to high noice blips.
The jewel of this module is that you can trigger it with anything. Anything from a normal trigger to Audio. When fed audio it turns into a "destructive filter" which in essence makes it sound like a bitchrusher or tunable noise filter (in this instance the noise is added rather than removed).
Makes it ideal for those of you who want to make something more gritty or noisy.
The only cons are that it is rather small so its hard to tweak the nobs on the fly. And especially flipping the flippin' swithes. And there is no cv control over anything so you gots to get hands on!
But it sounds good and is a lot of fun.
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Cool module, sound could be better
Manuel Vázquez 23.07.2021
It's nice having 4 toms and clicks in such a compact package.
The only issue I see is that the sound is ok but not instant love.
With a bit more polished sound it would be a bomb!