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Die Kunststoffteile sind aus dem 3D-Drucker und wirken so Minderwertig.
Die Holzstäbchen sind zu kurz, so das die Volcas im zusammengebauten Zustand nicht rein passen. Legt man die Kunststoffteile an die Volcas, so fallen die Holzstäbchen gerade so zwischen den Aufnehmen (für die Stäbchen) hindurch.
Leider ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte wiederholen Sie diese Aktion später.
Flimsy but works
Rasskinn 24.09.2021
This stand does it's job but the construction is weak and I had to clean off excess filament from the 3D printing process. I even cracked one of the edges just assembling the unit. The unit came with the wrong size rods but manufacturer freely acknowledged the mistake and sent me new ones and gave me a discount code for future purchases so support is good.
That said the stand does it's job without issues and works great, I just hope it lasts.
This stand does it's job but the construction is weak and I had to clean off excess filament from the 3D printing process. I even cracked one of the edges just assembling the unit. The unit came with the wrong size rods but manufacturer freely acknowledged the mistake and sent me new ones and gave me a discount code for future purchases so support is good.
This stand does it's job but the construction is weak and I had to clean off excess filament from the 3D printing process. I even cracked one of the edges just assembling the unit. The unit came with the wrong size rods but manufacturer freely acknowledged the mistake and sent me new ones and gave me a discount code for future purchases so support is good.
That said the stand does it's job without issues and works great, I just hope it lasts.