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Doepfer A-114 Vintage Edition


Dual Ringmodulator

Das Modul A-114 enthält zwei getrennte Ringmodulatoren. Ein Ringmodulator liefert am Ausgang das Produkt (Multiplikation X * Y) der Signale an den Eingängen X und Y. Der Unterschied zum VCA besteht darin, dass beide Eingangsspannungen positiv und/oder negativ sein können und das Produkt am Ausgang vorzeichenrichtig erscheint (4-Quadranten-Multiplikation). Beim VCA sind hingegen für den Steuereingang nur positive Spannungen erlaubt (2-Quadranten-Multi-plikation). Die Ringmodulation ist somit eine auf positive und negative Eingangsspannungen erweiterte Amplitudenmodulation. Von der Frequenzseite betrachtet liefert die die AM als Ausgangsprodukt sowohl die Trägerfrequenz fC als auch je zwei Seitenbänder (fC - fM, fC + fM) pro spektrale Komponente des Träger- und Modulationssignals - bei der Ringmodulation fehlt hingegen die Trägerfrequenz im Ausgangsprodukt. Ein Ringmodulator wird z.B. zur Erzeugung glockenähnlicher Klänge oder zur Sprachverfremdung eingesetzt.

  • Vintage Edition mit schwarzer Frontblende
  • schwarze Frontblende
  • Breite: 4TE / 20.0 mm
  • Tiefe: 40 mm (gemessen ab der Rückseite der Frontplatte)
  • Strombedarf: +40 mA (+12 V) / -30 mA (-12 V)
Erhältlich seit März 2016
Artikelnummer 383618
Verkaufseinheit 1 Stück
Breite 4 TE / HP
81 CHF
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. 9 CHF Versand
Kurzfristig lieferbar (2–5 Tage)

11 Kundenbewertungen

4.6 / 5
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9 Rezensionen

Felix v. 24.03.2013
wie üblich bei doepfer: tut genau was drauf steht!
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Does what it says on the tin
Martyn Q. 12.04.2015
It's not flashy, it's not beautiful - but is, as is usual for doepfer, a robust good quality build and darned useful little module. Clean sound, no bells and whistles - unless you are making bell and whistle sounds of course, in which case it excels XD

Ideas for uses;
The obvious scifi sounds, feed it detuned or pitch modulated sine oscs and lots of reverb (maybe a199 spring verb).
Split an osc signal with a mult and waveshape and frequency shift one copy and ringmod the two together (beefy sounds here!).
It's not flashy, it's not beautiful - but is, as is usual for doepfer, a robust good quality build and darned useful little module. Clean sound, no bells and whistles - unless you are making bell and whistle sounds of course, in which case it excels XD

Ideas for uses;
The obvious scifi sounds, feed it detuned or pitch modulated sine oscs and lots of
It's not flashy, it's not beautiful - but is, as is usual for doepfer, a robust good quality build and darned useful little module. Clean sound, no bells and whistles - unless you are making bell and whistle sounds of course, in which case it excels XD

Ideas for uses;
The obvious scifi sounds, feed it detuned or pitch modulated sine oscs and lots of reverb (maybe a199 spring verb).
Split an osc signal with a mult and waveshape and frequency shift one copy and ringmod the two together (beefy sounds here!).
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TOSHIO 17.06.2019
can modulate amazing VCO modulations
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google translate gb
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Excellent value dual ring mod with no controls
Anonym 20.01.2016
This ring mod unit provides exceptional value for money, giving you two ring mods for less than the price of what you would expect to pay for one. It provides two inputs (X and Y) and one output (the product of X multiplied by Y) for each ring mod circuit. For example, the classic use for this kind of circuit would be to input an audio signal to X and an LFO wave to Y, giving you an often metallic and mostly atonal product at the output. I would have like to have had some controls on here, maybe just an attenuator on each input since most LFOs don't have built in attenuation. However, I realise that this would have increased the price of the unit. The build quality is great, as you would expect from Doepfer. All in all, it's a no-frills, value for money and extremely useful module which I would recommend to anyone who, like me, has limited space and money for modules.
This ring mod unit provides exceptional value for money, giving you two ring mods for less than the price of what you would expect to pay for one. It provides two inputs (X and Y) and one output (the product of X multiplied by Y) for each ring mod circuit. For example, the classic use for this kind of circuit would be to input an audio signal to X and an LFO wave to
This ring mod unit provides exceptional value for money, giving you two ring mods for less than the price of what you would expect to pay for one. It provides two inputs (X and Y) and one output (the product of X multiplied by Y) for each ring mod circuit. For example, the classic use for this kind of circuit would be to input an audio signal to X and an LFO wave to Y, giving you an often metallic and mostly atonal product at the output. I would have like to have had some controls on here, maybe just an attenuator on each input since most LFOs don't have built in attenuation. However, I realise that this would have increased the price of the unit. The build quality is great, as you would expect from Doepfer. All in all, it's a no-frills, value for money and extremely useful module which I would recommend to anyone who, like me, has limited space and money for modules.
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