As a leftie is this is probably the cheapest option if you want a 24 fret guitar with a good floyd rose (its the 1000 one but we know that its basically the original but made in korea). Most guitars like this are more expensive. I had my Jackson Arch Top JS22 Dinky for 5 years now and wanted a tremolo that could mantain the tuning. I play mainly metal, things like COB which have a lot of tremolo work had parts of the songs that i always wanted to play but couldnt do well without a floyd rose. It is great, and the floy rose was a bit stiff, became a bit better after i removed one of the springs. The guitar when i first tried to play it didnt have any sound because it needed the 9V battery. It looks beautiful, i was a bit afraid that the guitar would have a very vibrant red but it looks darker when theres less light reflecting on it which is kind of cool. it is a very good choice imo for players that are looking for a guitar that offers a bit more than a entry level guitar to start producing some stuff or going on stage for your first couple of cover bands :)
I spent a lot of time to put it in tune but i guess thats a learning curve for all of us that start with a floyd rose guitar. But it would be really nice to receive it already ready to play. I was so excited to play it when i got it but i had to figure out that i needed a battery, go buy it, and then also it was completely out of tune, so i basically spent a afternoon just to play a bit after already being exausted from the setup process
It is a cheap, cool and quality option in my opinion!
The prices sometimes vary, bought it for 1168