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Expert Sleepers FH-2



  • Multifunktionsmodul: USB MIDI Host, USB MIDI Device, MIDI zu CV-Wandler, Clock- und LFO-Generator sowie Arpeggiator
  • 2 CV-Eingänge
  • 8 Ausgänge 14-Bit D/A Wandlung (Spannungsbereich per Software wählbar zwischen ±5 V, 0 - 10 V), USB Typ A, USB Typ C
  • OLED-Display
  • Drehcontroller mit Taster-Funktion
  • Strombedarf: 118 mA an +12 V, 48 mA an -12 V zzgl. des angeschlossenen USB-Gerätes
  • Abmessungen (B x T): 8 TE / HP x 48 mm
Erhältlich seit November 2018
Artikelnummer 443431
Verkaufseinheit 1 Stück
Breite 8 TE / HP
298 CHF
Versandkostenfrei und inkl. MwSt.
In 1-2 Wochen lieferbar
In 1-2 Wochen lieferbar

Dieses Produkt trifft bald bei uns ein und kann anschließend sofort verschickt werden.

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5 / 5

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4 Rezensionen

Ideale Erweiterung für meinen OXI ONE Sequencer
viennaexile 28.08.2022
Minimale Latenz und viele Möglichkeiten. Zudem wird der Sequencer über die USB-C zu USB-A Verbindung mit Power versorgt. Ich nutze das FH-2 vor allem als MIDI zu CV Konverter, um per MIDI die Modulation Lanes aus dem OXI ONE Sequencer an diverse Module zu senden, da die 8 CV Ausgänge mit V/Oct und Velocity schon voll belegt sind.
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Nicht nur Midi auf CV
Paras 23.08.2020
Kann so einiges mehr - einfach mal in's Handbuch schauen. macht richtig spaß
das tuning feature ist super geeignet um oscillatoren unterschiedlicher hersteller und range in einklang zu bringen.
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google translate gb
Leider ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte wiederholen Sie diese Aktion später.
Superb MIDI/CV Converter
wrnn 15.08.2024
Can it do X? Has it been implemented well?
-Probably yes and yes

This module is just far better than I expected (while having high expectations). Connect via usb-c (as usb midi device) usb-a (as a usb midi host) or using a midi breakout. All of these work nicely at the same time without issues (meaning you could for example have a midi sequencer playing as a device and controlling larger scale structures via automation envelopes in your daw).

You can also have outputs as envelopes, LFOs, sync, clock and a lot of other stuff. It's also very nice to be able to assign outputs as envelopes(especially nice with the cv-expansion, which is quite a bit smaller than your average envelope modules). You can also control the envelopes (and pretty much everything else) via midi and have a visualization show on the module screen.

You can also have calibrations/ output, so when dealing with analog oscillators, calibrating the output to get very good tracking is a very easy thing to do (and being frustrated about trying to fix tracking on a osc and left it as passable tracking for 2.5 octaves, it took like 5 min to set the manual calibration on the FH-2 to have good tracking (within 2 cents) over 5 octaves).

There's also configuration software for browsers, mac and windows, which seems, while not aesthetically pleasing, functional. However, I can't really say for sure, since the menus on the module are well enough designed to not really make it worthwhile to sit in front of my computer instead of just changing whatever I want to change via the module.
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google translate gb
Leider ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte wiederholen Sie diese Aktion später.
Awesome MIDI-Eurorack solution
Johannes J Klort 09.12.2020
This is an exceptionally well designed module; very easy to set up but very powerful under the hood. It's hard to imagine a MIDI setup that this module couldn't deal with. It has worked like a dream for me, and has enabled me to map my MIDI controllers to control my Eurorack modules, enabling me to combine the best of both worlds. MIDI to CV, or CV to MIDI, it works both ways. The LEDs are a particularly nice touch, giving feedback on what is going on in terms of inputs and outputs. A really fantastic module, I have only praise for it.
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