This review comes one month after the 3 year warranty ran out, when the handle snapped while I was carrying it around and the case smashed to the ground.
The case is very sturdy, but has a learning curve. It is not well balanced and the top will close if the weight shifts; the edges of the case fall and nick your instrument when taken out. The inside is adjustable and flexible for differently sized violas, and all other parts work as intended.
The outside is problematic. Before the handle snapped, it was very loose and squeaky. The backup rings to the straps constantly came loose, and parts broke over the course of the first two years. The hooks for the backpack straps also would bend and be stuck in the wrong direction, unable to detach. The music pocket inside presents its own issues: not durable to moisture, rain or a hot day would cause the paper inside to also become moisturized.
The new version of the case seems much improved, it is slightly more expensive but probably worth the cost over the long run. 3 years for this case seemed much too short given the cost. Thomann was very quick and helpful with international orders and customer service.