I worked in a bass shop until very recently, so I've had the chance to try about everything available in modern options.
High end brands like Eich, Vanderkley, Bergantino, Epifani, Jule Amps...
More popular brands like Aguilar, Markbass, Fender, ...
And honestly I am still waiting to see the next Vanderkley amp because they're the only brand that tackles Glockenklang.
That being said, this blue bird from glockenklang is a beast. Absolute monster.
Plug your bass direct in, turn everything off and that's the purest sound I've had...
Well except for the big studio experience...
And of course, when you push the gain past 50%, you get some light to medium saturations.
Of course the cab needs to follow up on the power and details the Glockenklang produces.
But then yes, you can switch them on, and shape that pure sound even more to your taste/need !
Yes there are a lot of knobs and the settings are powerful, so you need to know (or learn) your way around your EQ.
Then the two channels are perfect, with the drive & voice, giving you so much to play with!
The B input is quite cool too, if you've got a preamp before your bass amp, you can run it quite hot and get some drive maybe from it, and then trim that volume, before gaining the next stage, the Glockenklang preamp
The only negative thing I'd say is the effects loop return input is massively different to the pre, and plugging a preamp in the effects loop doesn't work so well. The effects return input saturates very quickly.
However if you plug effects or a compressor, it works perfectly, and you can blend and level match your sound...!
I haven't yet tried the DI out but I'm pretty sure it's great too.
Also the 600/900w is cool but the 900w mode sounds better to me.
Now just have to wait for the bag !