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Seems well made, grip lets it down.
Abe S. 27.02.2014
It's a very expensive tool which is really well made and has the feel of a nice tool, all except for the grips which are slightly loose on mine since one day of crimping. Still works perfectly and probably will for years. The grips just detracted from what was otherwise a high quality tool. If I was to do it again I would opt for solder pins as once the crimp has occurred the crimp cannot be undone unlike solder, this is annoying as crimping with this tool and the cables used is a bit fiddly.
It's a very expensive tool which is really well made and has the feel of a nice tool, all except for the grips which are slightly loose on mine since one day of crimping. Still works perfectly and probably will for years. The grips just detracted from what was otherwise a high quality tool. If I was to do it again I would opt for solder pins as once the crimp has
It's a very expensive tool which is really well made and has the feel of a nice tool, all except for the grips which are slightly loose on mine since one day of crimping. Still works perfectly and probably will for years. The grips just detracted from what was otherwise a high quality tool. If I was to do it again I would opt for solder pins as once the crimp has occurred the crimp cannot be undone unlike solder, this is annoying as crimping with this tool and the cables used is a bit fiddly.