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Höfner H500/1 Artist Violin Bass BK



  • Artist Serie Beatles Modell
  • Decke: erlesenes Fichtenholz
  • Boden und Zargen: Riegelahorn
  • 2-streifiger Hals: Ahorn / Buche
  • Griffbrett: Palisander
  • Mensur: 760 mm (30")
  • Sattelbreite: 42 mm
  • 22 Bünde
  • Tonabnehmer: 2 Staple Humbucker
  • Höfner HA2-B Elektronik: Kontrollplatte mit 2 Lautstärkereglern, 2 Ein-/Ausschalter und Rhythm/Solo-Schalter für Lautstärke-Boost
  • Finish: Polylackierung
  • Farbe: Schwarz Hochglanz
  • inkl. Höfner Koffer
  • made in Germany
Erhältlich seit April 2023
Artikelnummer 564619
Verkaufseinheit 1 Stück
Farbe Schwarz
Korpus Ahorn
Hals Ahorn, Buche, Ahorn
Griffbrett Palisander
Bünde 22
Tonabnehmerbestückung HH
Elektronik Passiv
Inkl. Koffer Ja
Inkl. Gigbag Nein
Decke Fichte
Boden und Zargen Ahorn
Mensur Shortscale
Halsbreite 42,0 mm
Tonabnehmer System HH
Mechaniken Höfner
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1.733 CHF
Versandkostenfrei und inkl. MwSt.
In ca. einer Woche lieferbar
In ca. einer Woche lieferbar

Dieses Produkt trifft bald bei uns ein und kann anschließend sofort verschickt werden.

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2 Kundenbewertungen

5 / 5

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2 Rezensionen

google translate gb
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A dream come true for the vintage fans
BenRsound 01.08.2023
I bought this a while ago but the first one I received had some manufacturing issues. Thomann was very helpful and replaced it with a new one which is perfect!
I have an early inexpensive 'Ignition' version of this bass, made in Indonesia. I upgraded the control panel and added flatwound strings on the cheap one which improved it a great deal. It's been amazing but it has started to get rather worn out.
I decided to save up and buy the German made version (It took a while!). The sound of the German bass is very different to the Ingnition. Much fuller and smoother but it's not a 'night and day' difference. The Ignition is a still great bass with the upgrade.
The setup is good out of the box but it needed a little intonation adjustment.
The finish on this instrument is flawless. I opted for the black paint.
I love how light-weight this bass is and the short scale is great for me. I can get a wide range of tones from this but it does the vintage/ Beat/ Motown 'thump' better than any other bass I've played.
It is a vintage design and therefore there are some limitations with it. It appears pretty fragile.
If you are looking for a replacement for a P bass etc. it's probably not for you.
A fantastic dream-come-true bass for the Beatles fans.
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google translate fr
Leider ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte wiederholen Sie diese Aktion später.
claude74 12.08.2024
Une superbe guitare aux finitions impeccables. La qualité du son se situe bien au delà de celle de mon Höfner Ignition Beatles Bass SB qui était déjà très bien pour cette gamme de produit.
Je suis avec cette basse rentré dans un autre monde, celui de la qualité professionnelle.
Le rapport qualité prix de ce produit est imbattable.
Merci Thomann pour la qualité du service.
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