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Dieses Modul bildet den Abschluss meines Eurorack Mischers (2x A-138p + A-138o ). Daran habe ich direkt zwei Neumann=Monitore angeschlossen und das funktioniert wunderbar. Das Knacken beim Ein- und Ausschalten hält sich in Grenzen. Der Kopfhörer-Ausgang kann auch sehr laut werden ohne zu verzerren. Sehr brauchbar.
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Does what it says
GaudyGaudi 22.11.2021
Although it’s not the fanciest module, it is an essential and the fact that you can connect to IntelliJ Mixup with a rear ribbon is fab too! Recommended.
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Useful but not the greatest headamp
Kattefjaes 09.05.2020
This is a really neat module for a small, self-contained rack. It gives you useful line outs as well as a safe headphone out, and connects behinds the scenes with the Intellijel Mix-Up, so you can bring a bunch of sources together. It can make life a lot easier.
However, the tiny headamp is somewhat lacking- while it can go nice and loud, it doesn't exert terribly good driver control, even on relatively easy to drive dynamic headphones. Even something like the bog standard Sennheiser HD-25 70 Ohm can sound flat and lifeless- not sure if it's lack of slew or current, but don't make any critical mix decisions on the basis of the tiny headamp in here- run the outs into your desk/sound interface and use something with a better headamp. It's not terribly linear or detailed.
Don't let that put you off though, if the combo of this and the Mix-Up suit your needs. It's a lot of functionality for the HP and can make a useful combo. If you don't need the Mix-Up connection though, I'd seriously consider the Befaco Out v3, which is smaller, and which has a slightly better headphone out.
One note, I did experience a lot of crackling via the headphone out at first- this was improved with a few blasts of air duster and a tiny bit of switch cleaner- maybe the connectors were slightly tarnished. Worth a try if this happens to you.
This is a really neat module for a small, self-contained rack. It gives you useful line outs as well as a safe headphone out, and connects behinds the scenes with the Intellijel Mix-Up, so you can bring a bunch of sources together. It can make life a lot easier.
However, the tiny headamp is somewhat lacking- while it can go nice and loud, it doesn't exert
This is a really neat module for a small, self-contained rack. It gives you useful line outs as well as a safe headphone out, and connects behinds the scenes with the Intellijel Mix-Up, so you can bring a bunch of sources together. It can make life a lot easier.
However, the tiny headamp is somewhat lacking- while it can go nice and loud, it doesn't exert terribly good driver control, even on relatively easy to drive dynamic headphones. Even something like the bog standard Sennheiser HD-25 70 Ohm can sound flat and lifeless- not sure if it's lack of slew or current, but don't make any critical mix decisions on the basis of the tiny headamp in here- run the outs into your desk/sound interface and use something with a better headamp. It's not terribly linear or detailed.
Don't let that put you off though, if the combo of this and the Mix-Up suit your needs. It's a lot of functionality for the HP and can make a useful combo. If you don't need the Mix-Up connection though, I'd seriously consider the Befaco Out v3, which is smaller, and which has a slightly better headphone out.
One note, I did experience a lot of crackling via the headphone out at first- this was improved with a few blasts of air duster and a tiny bit of switch cleaner- maybe the connectors were slightly tarnished. Worth a try if this happens to you.