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Einfache gute robuste Lösung um seinen Kopfhörer aufzuräumen. Eleganter Metal Standfuß an dem man an der Unterseite vier Antirutsch Noppen aufkleben kann. Der eigentliche Halter für den Kopfhörer besteht aus Kunstoff der einen soliden Eindruck macht und so ziemlich alle Arten aufnehmen kann. Klare Empfehlung und ein kleiner Hingucker.
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Funktional und formschön
Frank3057 17.12.2024
Steht stabil (ist also massiv genug), hat nach unten genug Platz für Kabelführung, keine Stange in der Mitte die stört und sieht gut aus.
Leider ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte wiederholen Sie diese Aktion später.
Top quality at a reasonable price.
TCSMD 20.09.2021
I always expect top quality products from K&M and these headphone stands are no exception. The build quality is absolutely superb. You will NEVER break these stands (but you might break your floor if you drop them...).
The stands are very stable and tall enough for all my headphones even with the cables attached. The design is very simple but I won't hesitate to use them in my living room as well as in my studio.
The only negative is that the rubber feet were missing from one of the four stands I received. Thomann gave me a refund so I can't really complain though.
I honestly don't understand why anyone would pay a fortune for expensive "hi-fi" headphone stands when you can get these top quality, nice looking ones from K&M at such a reasonable price.
Highly recommended!
I always expect top quality products from K&M and these headphone stands are no exception. The build quality is absolutely superb. You will NEVER break these stands (but you might break your floor if you drop them...).
The stands are very stable and tall enough for all my headphones even with the cables attached. The design is very simple but I won't
I always expect top quality products from K&M and these headphone stands are no exception. The build quality is absolutely superb. You will NEVER break these stands (but you might break your floor if you drop them...).
The stands are very stable and tall enough for all my headphones even with the cables attached. The design is very simple but I won't hesitate to use them in my living room as well as in my studio.
The only negative is that the rubber feet were missing from one of the four stands I received. Thomann gave me a refund so I can't really complain though.
I honestly don't understand why anyone would pay a fortune for expensive "hi-fi" headphone stands when you can get these top quality, nice looking ones from K&M at such a reasonable price.